Don’t ignore the warnings from the OFT cover pricing investigation

The unprecedented fines levied by the Office of Fair Trading on the 103 building companies declared guilty of involvement in cover pricing has sent a shock wave through a construction industry already reeling from the worst recession in memory. With individual fines...

Window of opportunity to drive extreme value from projects

The Building Cost Information Service are reporting that tender prices are not expected to return to pre-recession levels in the next five years. The next two few years were always expected to be tough but they predict that prices will continue to fall until growth...

OFT cover pricing investigation results

After five years the Office of Fair Trading has released a press statement and published the outcome of the investigation into cover pricing. The wording is interesting because while enormous fines have been issued, and the firms involved have undoubtedly been in...

BPF says that town centre life support plan is not enough

Retail spend has experienced something of a mixed bag recently with some high street traders like Next seeing reasonable increases in profits alongside the supermarkets while French Connection and John Lewis are manning the barricades in the face of worsening figures....
… and the bees stole the show

… and the bees stole the show

I had a great opportunity to attend the From Bees to Best Practice event organised by BITC at the beautiful Temple Newson near Leeds. That’s me far right, dressed to kill! The purpose was serious though. The speaker from Leeds Beekeepers outlined the issues...